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We help to ensure good system performance for your software systems.
Just one tool for performance monitoring of the most used databases: Db2, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, Azure SQL, Oracle, MongoDB, MariaDB/MySQL and GenericDB.


Get in touch now

Free Trial

  1. Save costs with a central monitoring solution for different operating systems and databases.
  2. Minimize configuration complexity through policy-based monitoring. 
  3. Increase monitoring efficiency with custom dashboards. 
  4. Save time with agentless monitoring.

Facts and figures


Dashboards included


Enterprise databases can be monitored


Minutes of installation time


Rows per second for analysis

Your advantages

There is no longer a rigid framework of displays with Speedgain for Databases. Each dashboard can be customized, and custom dashboards can be created quickly and easily, then added to the overall system. In this way, dashboards can be perfectly adapted to the respective situation with little effort.

Speedgain for Databases unifies the monitoring of databases and operating systems from various vendors. It is not necessary to install additional modules or even software to include additional vendors in the monitoring.

Speedgain for Databases does not require any additional components on the monitored systems but relies on a central pull component for data discovery. Time-consuming installation on each monitored system are history - regardless of what system is being monitored.

Monitoring parameters configured via policies can be quickly and easily applied to a large number of objects, so that new objects do not require complex configuration, but can be based on existing settings.

Speedgain for Databases’ dashboards can be persisted centrally and still offer all the features of a live dashboard as well as be made directly accessible to other people via a link. Rigid screenshots are no longer necessary!

The entire architecture of Speedgain for Databases is based on open source and containers, that can be integrated quickly and easily into any system landscape. Time-consuming and complex installations are thus a thing of the past.

The dashboards and panels in Speedgain for Databases are interconnected, all it takes is a few clicks to go from the peak in an overview to the culprit in detail.

The components in Speedgain for Databases are designed to meet your growing requirements and can coexist separately or even multiple times in parallel as needed. Scaling is thus possible both horizontally and vertically.

The monitoring architecture of Speedgain for Databases relies on open source components such as Grafana, PostgreSQL, Timescale and Liquibase with Speedgain Collectors as Java components for the business logic at the core.

Our First Tier Top Level Tech Support provides to you fast and best support in case of problems or questions. There are no multiple tiers, just one for your prioritized direct and competent help.

Facts and figures


Compression ratio


Rows per second Input


Recommendation rate


Collectors / data interfaces for evaluation

Secure your free trial version today

request here

Speedgain for Databases


  • Central monitoring solution
  • Agentless monitoring
  • Customized dashboards
  • Policy-based monitoring
  • Persist displays
  • Detail dashboard
  • Workload dashboard
  • Use Case Lockwait
  • Use Case SQL analysis
  • Application Drill DownSSL 
  • Add certificates
  • Configurable alarms

Find out more details about the possible applications here:


View and search

Lightweight web client utilizing Grafana as the central point of visualization and reporting.


Wizards for adding databases and systems.


Quick and easy customer extensions and creation of personalized dashboards on all existing data.


Central login storage for reuse in multiple databases.


Integrated alerting with connection to other systems or messengers such as MS teams or Slack.


Monitoring policies are stored and assigned to the databases. No limitation in number and characteristics.


  • Use of all features during the term
  • Updates and upgrades during the subscription period
  • Online support 12-hours response time for questions about the product during business hours

Extended scope of the basic services

  • Online support 4-hours response time for questions about the product during business hours
  • Telephone support during business hours
  • Installation and sizing support

Managed Services for all databases monitored with S4DBs (EU only)

  • Emergency Support - Prio1 Calls
  • Extended support outside business hours


max. € 135,00
per DB

Subscription Basis 


max. € 35,00
per DB

Subscription Basis 

SQL Server

max. € 65,00
per instance

Subscription Basis 

Azure SQL

max. € 65,00
per DB

Subscription Basis 


max. € 65,00
per DB

Subscription Basis 


max. € 29,00
per DB

Subscription Basis 


max. € 29,00
per DB

Subscription Basis 


max. € 29,00
per DB

Subscription Basis 

Blog posts

Ads persist with expiration date

Monitoring results are usually difficult to persist. After a complex performance analysis of a large database system, the question and problem often…

Order request

Select your desired product here and submit your request. *All prices are valid in the EU only and do not include VAT.

Telephone: +49 (0) 511 5151 3700

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